For-Profit Businesses

For-profit companies provide the lifeblood of our economy. Below are some samples of marketing materials we have created for for-profit companies. We can create marketing materials to help your for-profit business become more profitable too.

Action Management

Action Management sought out Drummond Design after seeing what we designed for another business. This executive recruitment agency had a strong logo but their materials were outdated. We took the best aspects of their logo – the bold colors and angular graphics – and expanded on that to create a dynamic package of marketing pieces that includes a brochure, which also acts as a folder, and stationary items.

Cedarcraft Log Homes

Cedarcraft Log Homes approached Drummond Design to create a catalog and sales tool. The client had a lot of ideas, handwritten notes and sketches, but needed us to organize, consolidate and ultimately design a cohesive piece to convey just how cool it is to live in a log home. The catalog proved to be a solid tool they could live with.

Graphic design sample of employee awards program with rock and roll visual theme

Tremco Roofing & Building Maintenance

When Tremco chose to host their annual sales meeting in Nashville, they knew they needed a visual theme for the event to match the gritty creative vibe of the music city. Drummond Design created the signature keepsake piece which is a 56-page homage to their most committed salespeople. It was a fitting tribute to their rockstar employees!


Civic Institutions